A goddess appears while Orphen is drowning deep inside the pond of magic water. Aizel wants to make Quo pay for sending Orphen into a hell of pain. She unleashes Hark, O Light. But Quo’s armor covered him and protected him from the blast. Quo comments that nothing can harm him as long as he is wearing his armor. He also told Aizel that her sorcery is too lame to defeat him.

Previously on Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck Episode 9

Aizel gets more furious and unleashes Spirit Ball that smashes Quo with the ground. She runs towards her sword and performs a Sink move to slay Quo. Aizel created an opening and asked Claiohm to hurry with the two and get out of the city. She gave Claiomh a magical chest to guide her. She also told her that she would take care of Krylancelo. Claiomh comments that he is not Krylancelo he is Orphen. Aizel agrees that she will him Orphen and Claiomh perform a spell that made her vanish with Salua and Leki. Quo manages to survive after that attack, and he asks Aizel if she is planning to fight him one on one. He created a gust of wind that kills all of his warriors in a second. Aizel wonders why he is killing his allies. Quo told her that there are things that cannot be taken back. He doesn’t want anyone to interfere with their one on one battle. Quo also told Aizel that he doesn’t want his allies to see Aizel dying in pain. Quo told her that he would have to end her life to forgive her for her sins. Aizel opens her right hand and performs a spell that gave her abilities to fly. She flew towards the magical pond and dives in. Aizel hoped that she make it in time to save Orphen.


Quo stood near the magical pond, watching what will happen. He notices that goddess Aureole is still hanging in mid-air. Aureole has a hand choking her neck, but only the hand can be seen. Quo comments that Aureole is the most foolish woman to have ever lived. One of the Death Instructors arrives. He told Quo that he had done great damage. Quo replies that the ones who destroyed this door are the Sorcerers, Instructor Lapointe. The guys ask Quo how many intruders are there. Quo replies that they are five, including the Oathbreaker. Carlotta arrives and reveals that there is another Oathbreaker. Madchen Amick is involved with this revolt since she tried to attack her in her bedroom last night. The trio decided to work together to make it favorable for them. Carlotta thinks it is not a good idea since Madchen hates her. Quo reveals that Name was killed because of those people, and they have lost 23 members of the Holy Guards. But they have also let the intruder who saw the goddess escape. Quo is told to have adequate security since the sorcerers have escaped. Quo told the Death Instructor that one of the Oathbreakers, Salua Salude, may come to him for his help.

The Ultimate Form of Human Sorcery

Quo told the Death Instructor that if Saluo shows up, he knows what to do. The Death Instructor left, and Carlotta told Quo that his Hollines want to meet will him now. Meanwhile, Claiohm, Salua, Magic, and Leki arrive inside the Inn where Dortin and Volcan are. Claiomh asks Dortin what has happened, and Dortin reveals that they have just appeared out of nowhere. Later, they visited Salua’s brother’s place, and Salua said Lapointe is the instructor’s head. Lapointe told Salua that he did a foolish thing and asks Majic and Claiomh if they are the sorcerers who infiltrated the Cathedral. Salua told Lapointe the truth, and he realizes that Quo has lied to him. Meanwhile, Orphen wakes up inside the magical pond and communicates with the Founding Sorcerer of the Celestials. Quo battles with White Sorcery thinking that he is fighting His Holiness. His Holiness reveals that White Sorcery is the ultimate form of human sorcery. But the humans thought it was the final answer to sorcery. Quo notices that it is a doll created by the Dragons. He realizes that everyone in the Holy City was being fooled. Aizel manages to get Orphen out of the magical pond. She kissed him to bring him back to life.

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck Episode 10 Release Date

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck Episode 10 date will release on Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 9:00 JST. You will be able to watch Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck online on  AnimeLab and Funimation. Please allow me to take you to the latest updates and preview below.

Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck Episode 10 Preview

You can find how Orphen was shot on Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck Episode 9.

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