Having released its first episode back in 2013, Big Brother Canada has certainly covered a long way. And, the fans can’t get enough of it. All the fourteen contestants are stuck in a wired place with no luxuries. Since their only source of entertainment is a conversation with each other, they get into arguments every now and then. As of now, two contestants have been eliminated and sent back home. The cast of this season is well divided, and they never miss an opportunity to provide us with unanimous outcomes. The upcoming episode is likely to continue the drill. So, let’s not beat around the bush anymore and dive straight into the following section to know when the next episode will be aired!

Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 6 Release Date Revealed

The all-new Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 6 will be released on March 15, 2021, on the same broadcasting channel, Slice, at 7:00 PM (Central Time Zone). The previous episode of the popular reality TV show was dropped a few days before, that is, on March 11, 2021. The new episodes of the show are aired every Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday. Following the pattern, the upcoming episode will be aired on Monday. So, try to loosen up your schedule a bit to make the most of this episode. Since the Monday episodes are more about nomination ceremonies, this episode is likely to follow the same. Let’s see what all things the contestants bring up in the next episode to entertain us! Coming to where you can watch Big Brother Canada Season 9, let me tell you that Slice is the official broadcasting partner of this show. Therefore, new episodes are released on this channel on the above-mentioned days. And, all you need is a cable connection to this networking channel to get a kick out of all upcoming episodes. If you have been wondering where it is available for streaming, let me also tell you that no stream providers are available for this show. However, if you don’t want to miss out on drama, you can get live feeds at the official website of this show. You can also go for live streaming to keep yourself updated at Global TV.

Previously on Big Brother Canada Season 9

In the previous episodes, the house members decided to kick out Josh. This led to the eviction of Julie. As you would already know, Rohan has trust issues with Beth and Austin. In the previous episode, Rohan disclosed this fact in a conversation with Julie. LaToya and Austin made an agreement to keep each other safe as they advanced to Head of the Household completion. However, LaToya couldn’t keep balance. Thus, Austin was announced as HOH. Soon after Rohan’s confession, Austin revealed that she doesn’t trust LaToya. In fact, she believes that LaToya is trying to get into a relationship with either Jedson or Tychon. However, in the clips, we got glimpses of Tychon getting cozy with Beth. As of now, both of them are getting along really well with each other. Let’s see who stabs first. In the “steal and share challenge”, Tychon and LaToya were chosen as the mediators. And, Both of them selected “share”. As a result, the contestants will be served peanut butter, jelly as well as cookies for the whole week. Had they both selected “steal”, they would have ended with slop for the entire week. Austin conducts a meeting to get to know the views of the members. She ends up selecting Josh as well as Kiefer for the eviction this week. In her defense, Austin says that Josh has been creating a mess in the house. Therefore, she isn’t able to understand his intentions and nominated him. Austin chose Kiefer as she called out her name in the HOH challenge without actually knowing her. Austin asserts that the two haven’t really talked to each other since the beginning. And, it wasn’t a wise decision of Kiefer’s to call out her name. Let’s see if the two are able to save themselves from eviction or not! Also Read: Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode Schedule

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